How to reduce pore size?-Some home remedies for you

How to reduce pore size?-Some home remedies for you

Skin care is an important part of maintaining your facial beauty. Your face is the most important element of your appearance. That is the reason you need to take proper care of your face and the skin. Pores are the most common problem faced by many people. Therefore people usually look out for various measures and tips to get rid of these pores. However pores cannot disappear completely but these can be reduced. Pores are also necessary to allow your skin to get proper oxygen supply. These are also helpful to get rid of excess oil and sweat. But these may seem to be very weird when they are very large and more in numbers.

Some common and natural ways to reduce the pore size

You do not need to worry as there are many effective ways to reduce the size of your pores. Some of them have been listed below:

#1 Ice:

Ice will result in skin tightening and will help to shrink pores. This will surely invigorate you and improve the appearance of your skin. You may rub some ice over your skin for about 10- 20 seconds. Do this for a few times daily. You may prefer to wrap up few ice cubes in a clean piece of cloth and then do this. This will make it less messy. 

#2 Plain Yogurt Mask:

Natural yogurt is full of lactic acid and many probiotics. These are really effective against the bad bacteria which may cause acne. Therefore this works by reducing the pore size. This will be very helpful to dissolve and clear various impurities from your skin. Apply a layer of yogurt over your face. Let it stay for about 10 minutes. Then wash your face well. Use this mask once or twice in a week and you will see amazing results.

#3 Baking Soda Exfoliation:

Baking soda is helpful to balance the Ph level of the skin. It also works well for cleansing the dirt particles from the pores. Baking soda may however cause irritation therefore you need to be careful while using it.  Make a paste of 2 tablespoon soda with warm water and apply it. Rinse it after 30 seconds.  This is good to be done for at least 3-5 times in a week.

#4 Egg whites and Lemon juice:

Egg whites are well known for extracting out excess oil from the skin and tighten it. Make a mixture of lemon juice and egg whites and apply it over your face. Let it dry. Later rinse it with cold water. This is a good option for you. You may do it several times in a week.

#5 Apple Cedar Vinegar:

Apple cedar vinegar is full of many health benefits. It is an anti – bacterial and anti – microbial remedy against enlarged pores. Dilute AVC and apply it over your face using a cotton ball. This will help you to maintain the pH level.

These home remedies are the best for you if you want to shrink your pores. Therefore you are no more required to take any medicines or use any cosmetic for these. You can now easily reduce pores with these easy methods.

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