Indian Politics: The Home To Tower Corruption

How 700 Billions of Indian currency does sounds to you? Well to me, even while writing it my eyes is a sparkling what if I increase the amount to 1600 Billions? Thinking about the meaning of these figures? Well nothing much, these are just the scope of cost of two high spoken scandals occurred in the largest democracy.

In recent era of information bad news tops it all and Indian politicians are making it easily discoverable. India however not the top country when it comes to corruption but neither it is at the last place. Indian tax payers have lost a fortune because of all this loss occurred.

Role of Politicians

Politicians are chief governing body for any plan, process or development related issue. Everything we talk about involves directly or indirectly a famous political figure who managed to offer or get some great perks out of some deals involving lot of money.

2G Scandal or Common wealth does it matters?

These are 2 of the most famous scandals that rocked the Indian politics or worlds for that matter, If critics and general people are to be believed these scams cost the country with a whooping 176000000000 and 700000000000, just see the number of zeroes they are more than the nations population at large.

This is all crap, my personal opinion it starts at the roots of nation i.e. General public, for me it doesn’t matter the quantum of loss but the reason is what matters.

  •  As we always blame politics, let’s blame the whole framework. We do not get a say in the persons getting tickets to fight election.
  • We choose politician on the basis of party name.
  •  Things like number of case on the person fighting election are revealed to election commission but should be put on a board with bold and bigger fonts in the area he wants to stand in.
  • Citizen choose to take short cuts i.e. the great bribery culture of India

Let’s discuss the very last point as all other are self explaining, our system’s law enforcement is drained and all the rules in place are kicked out of the stadium always. Let me tell you a very simple corruption instance:  Ever been to government office to get a license? You will find many brokers who will expedite the whole process; as it happens the people will give some extra money to broker who will go directly to the relevant officer (no line culture, no first come first basis only friend come friendly basis) and get the work done and in addition the some money is in the pocket of that officer, so where does that goes?

With this small practical example I leave the rest of judgment to you guys, if any suggestions please mention.


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