Holi In India Is Also A Festival For Crime Rise

It may sound bizarre how a colorful festival be a stage for crime; it’s not always Gabbar singh asking for Holi dates only. The festival may bring joy to millions of citizens of the country but some of harsh facts of this festival occur in the dark sides.

Sexual Offenders / Eve teasing

Holi has become another stage for eve teasers and sexual offenders to satisfy their dark fantasies, these perverts use the crowded gatherings as a mask to their immature lust off. Another fact of holi is that that people or rather groups like this have become more active recently, not to say these typo errors get’s aroused by even a small glimpse of Silicon Valley.

Also such a large crowd is easy target for many terror activities and when people are outside playing holi, burglars are often inside their home playing their game.

Drugs and Gamble

A festival which represents love and a positive belief in the Almighty has however become a business deal for many anti social organizations. It is another fact of India that people with money (VIP, Film stars, High Societies etc) are often involved in alcohol, drugs and other narcotics; the festival offers them yet another excuse.

The problem occurs when these groups start involving new members and an occasion like Holi is the best beginning. Bhang as we discussed in last blog is usually mixed with marijuana extract and is served publicly at many spots, illegal it may be but it is hard to keep a tab on such large groups.

As drugs are illegal Gambling is also illegal but two grand festivals (Diwali and Holi) hosts the most number of private gambling bets compared to any other day of the year (Diwali witnesses the most).

Bura Na Mano holi hai

A very famous quote which means “Don’t get offended it’s holi”, the phrase is usually to be used for coloring anyone you want and ask no excuse but is used for striping, yeah you heard it right (however not observed with girls, I am happy to say the society is this civilized) but it is often seen in complaints of thousand little ones being stripped naked and colored throughout the body usually by local groups, another fact of holi!!

Stone pelting

Last year two person died (For real) while they were travelling in train were hit by some water balloons, what they did not expect is the balloons are not filled with water but stone. The quantum of such incident has increased and government is deploying more force in such known areas.

Environment Issues

The festival of color is also a problem to environment now a day, with more chemical colors in market water pollution and soil fertility is not at check and these are not good for your skin as well, yeah the bad fact of the celebration.


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